Mark Rosenthal teaches privately in Bonn since October of 2013. His students and his offerings are many and sundry: from profi to lay singer, everything from audition and concert preparation to singing just for fun. Also in the mix are choir-singers who simply want to improve their technique.
Every singer who studies with Mark Rosenthal receives a complete, well-rounded education in terms of bodily alignment, Resonance, support, legato, diction and above all, singing freely in the extreme upper-range of the voice. Some music theory and learning to read music is also in the teaching-mix.
Mr. Rosenthal‘s teaching is also enhanced by facets of Alexander-Technique and also NLP (neurolinguistic programming). He is also versed in many languages, which broadens the range of repertoire available to his students.
Last but not least among that which Mr. Rosenthal offers is vocal therapy for damaged voices (regardless whether singing or speaking).
The main focus of private instruction with Mr. Rosenthal is classical training but musical repertoire, sometimes even country, blues, R&B and so forth is also part of the program for specific students. A number of students who have studied with Mr. Rosenthal have won competitions or received solo/choir engagements.
Mark‘s price is highly competitive and each singer receives a diagnostic/consulation before beginning study.